Our curated events are designed for new and existing consumers to learn how Cannabis and CBD may improve their lives.
Your Independent Consultant will bring a special selection of products for discussion and enjoyment. Guests receive a valuable re-education about cannabis, and learn about how new remedies, can improve their daily lives. All while having a great time surrounded by friends and loved ones in a safe environment. Our educational events range in size from 3-25 guests and can be tailored to fit the needs of your group.
While marijuana and hemp plants are part of the same species, Cannabis sativa L., hemp is the food and fiber part of the plant, while marijuana is cultivated to maximize tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the element that makes the user feel “high”. Both hemp and marijuana contain 100 different cannabinoids, naturally occurring chemical compounds, but it is cannabidiol (CBD), in particular that offers many health and therapeutic benefits – without the high. Unlike THC, CBD(cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and does not cause a high. CBD has antipsychotic effects which means CBD works completely the opposite way of THC. Numerous studies suggest that CBD also acts to reduce the intoxicating effects of THC.
Hemp plants typically contain elevated levels of health-enhancing CBD, but by definition contain only trace levels of THC. This makes the hemp plant – gives hemp a lot of health potential, very attractive to those seeking an antioxidant-rich lifestyle, but not to recreational users. – without the side effects of marijuana.
If you come with an open mind, you can start your journey toward understanding how cannabis, when coupled with other supportive therapies, can help put you on a path toward complete health and wellness.
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